
Rental Properties – on ATO Radar

Just a reminder that should you own and investment property that you are again on the ATO radar. In order to remain compliant, we suggest that you keep all receipts and correctly claim rental expenses. If you have any questions, please ask.

ATO warns about iTunes scammers

ATO warns about iTunes scammers The ATO is reminding the public to be alert to scammers impersonating the ATO demanding iTunes gift cards as a form of tax debt payment. Of the 8692 phone scam reports the ATO received in April 2016 in relation to the fake ATO tax debt scam, 58 reports mentioned the...

Contractor payments data matching program

Contractor payments data matching program The ATO has advised that it is continuing its Contractor payments data-matching program. It will acquire data from businesses that it visits as part of its employer obligations compliance program during the 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19 financial years. The data collected from businesses is used to identify contractors that may...


The 2016 Budget was handed down last night and as expected it was very bland and the winner was medium businesses to support and carry the economic growth. The major changes are summarized below, should you have any questions on this, please don’t hesitate to ask. TAXATION From 1 July 2016, the government will...

Superstream – Are you ready

The big word for small businesses at the moment is Superstream! Most businesses are aware that to become compliant with the new super measures you have until the 30 June to have a clearing house setup to now process your superannuation. We are suggesting, that if you don’t already, that you get this in place...